Winter Term

Work killed my back and shoulders… and legs and arms ugh. So much pain that I wound up taking acetaminophen for two days while at work, then being in agony the last couple of hours as the pills wore off.


Because acetaminophen gets me high. High as a freaking kite. Well, not quite that high. But I have been found staring off at nothing, drifting aimlessly about, and giggling at nothing at all.

Hey, if you’re going to break me, you’re damned well going to still pay me while I take medication. I was still working, just not up to my usual self.

And because of the high effects, I couldn’t take it in the later four hours of my shift because I had to come down in order to drive safely. It hurts, damn it.

That at least reminded me to take a pill before I start moaning in class…

So, after a conversation with the temporary me-position, I bought a specialized punch and have made my own notebook for class. Binders kind of piss me off. I don’t even know why. Something about looking at them makes me want to shove them off the desk like a cat who is four seconds past their feeding time.

I made one with card stock paper, which is thicker. I can now pop it in and out and about however I please. If I only write a few pages, I can pop them out and file them with my school paperwork and then use it for a world instead. Or any odd and end that I might do. No more guilt over having a few pages filled out. It’s basically a perpetual notebook with thicker paper that takes my markers that I love so much and my fountain pen.

Oh, yeah, a co-worker gave me a fountain pen for Christmas. He collects them and ink. Says he has over two hundred colours and when I empty this one I should take it back to him and he will refill it.

It currently has purple ink, is thicker like fountain pens are, and is fucking magnificent. It’s a ‘cheaper’ fountain pen, of course. He didn’t give me a three hundred dollar pen. He has hundreds of pens of varying pricing and gave others in the store ones that he bought for three or so dollars overseas but are still really nice.

He just shops really well.

I’ve been helping with some work off on the side and used the pen for most of it. Love it. Love it to freaking bits. Now want more fountain pens with more inks.

Two and a half chapters of Grim Travels remains to be written and I’m already way off course for my plan. Makes me want to swear. I can’t get back to work today, I’m in too much pain and rather than sinking into writing, all I’m thinking about is how I’m feeling. That’s not going to get the book done.

I also can’t get editing done. For some reason the idea of editing makes me want to drink. But that’s probably also the pain talking.

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